Avatar The Last Airbender & The Legend Of Korra 720p H.264 Eng Subtitles Synced
This torrent pack contains the COMPLETE series collection for "AVATAR: The Last Airbender":

1. The 2005-08 Series (The Last Airbender)
2. The 2012-14 Series (The Legend of Korra)

Subtitles Are Embedded in video (Softcoded).
P.S: EVERYTHING is in 720p Resolution, too Wink!

Plot Synopsis:

[Image: 5e37568ea57f70f43972889503704f2b.jpg]

Avatar - The LAST Airbender (2005-08 Series - 720p HDTV) - "The world is divided into four nations -- the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation and and the Air Nomads -- each represented by a natural element for which the nation is named. Benders have the ability to control and manipulate the element from their nation. Only the Avatar is the master of all four elements. The ruthless Fire Nation wants to conquer the world but the only bender who has enough power, the Avatar, has disappeared ... until now. His tribe soon discovers that Aang is the long-lost Avatar. Now Katara and Sokka must safeguard Aang on his journey to master all four elements and save the world from the Fire Nation."

[Image: cdb9824510144d26a166867e953c7e69.jpg]

Avatar - The LEGEND of KORRA (2012-14 Series - 720p BluRay) - "This follow-up series to "Avatar: The Last Airbender" is set 70 years after the events of "Avatar" and follows Korra, the next Avatar after Aang, who is from the Southern Water Tribe. With earth, water and fire under her belt, Korra must master the art of airbending. Korra's quest leads her to Republic City, a virtual melting pot where benders and nonbenders live together. But she soon discovers that the land is plagued by crime and a growing antibending revolution that threatens to tear the city apart. While dealing with the dangers, Korra begins her airbending training under the tutelage of Aang's son, Tenzin."


Name (Title): AVATAR (2005-2014): BOTH Series (The Last Airbender AND The Legend of KORRA) - COMPLETE 720p x264.

Category Type: Animation, TV Series

Length (Duration): Varies.

Year(s): 2005-2014 (Complete Collection).

Starring: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Katara, Tenzin, etc...

Genre(s): Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Martial Arts, Drama, Romance, etc...

Resolution: 720p (for everything).

Rip Type (Source): HDTV (for the "T.L.A." series) and BluRay (for the "L.o.K." Series).

Codec Type: x264.

Format of File(s): MP4(s) for everything.

Audio Format & Language(s): AC3 2.0 (for the "T.L.A." series) and AC3 5.1 (for the "L.o.K." series).

Subtitles: YES (perfectly synced with video).

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If you ever face problem like file name too long or the video doesn't copy, move or play. Then try renaming folders to shorter name. The problem will solve.
thank you!!!
I'm trying to download this torrent but I think the link is broken. is there a way you can help me please? thank you

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