Automatic Reseeding of unseeded torrents

Over the years I've been from client to client, eventually settling on one which seems to do the job and managing to seed the 1000 plus torrents ok, touch wood.

One thing I often wonder is, that there are still many files on my drive left over from previous torrent clients, for which I no longer have the original torrent file and so cannot seed - I wondered if there was a way, or if such a tool existed, to search all orphaned files in a directory or drive, re download any relevant torrent files and start reseeding?
It's a big ask I know...

Until then I will continue to be mindful, if I come across a particular file I always ask myself "Am I seeding this?" - but if there was a blanket/automated way to reseed orphaned files that would be pretty useful.

It wouldn't be possible for such a tool to exist.

For any given file, there could be many many many different torrents. Created with different piece sizes; in combination with other files; in rar'd or zipped form, etc.
If these 'files' are complete and do not have a .torrent connected to it, you could always download the .torrent and it will come up as 100% seeded since you already have the content..
Thanks for taking the time to reply guys.
Totally understand the nature of torrents and that I need to "drop in" that torrent file in order to reseed unseeded torrents, have done this many times before. My point was that I have multitudinous other files, some are from old torrent clients, others from other file sharing networks.

There are multiple unseeded torrents out there that utilize these files, and whether I'm identifying multiple torrent files each of which has the same set of files, or a subsection thereof, that is not a problem for me. I will just use Hard-linking on the filesystem in order not to be wasting space duplicating the same files.

The critical step, and the one that I don't have time to do is to go out and look for those particular torrent files that include those files among them. It is a big task like you say. If it is the case that nothing like this exists, I will have to put time aside to write it - however I'm never a fan of re-inventing the wheel so if anyone else knows of any tools that will assist me, or know of any projects that have done some of this legwork for me already, I'd be most grateful.

Here's to the seeders! Let's see if we can't revive a whole bunch of dead torrents...
I'm not aware of any such tool. If it existed, it would have to search one or more torrent sites and download every torrent that had at least one matching file name. For every torrent with one or more matching file names, it would then have to do a hash check against all matching files.

Needless to say, that's going to eat up a lot of processor power and bandwidth.
Thanks KJF,

Sometimes it just takes a bit of common sense from to realise that, in actual fact I'm asking for the moon on a stick. Like you say there is actually quite a lot of work involved from the point of view of the tool itself (i.e. Intelligence) and also "Brute Force" activities like hash checking as you mentioned.

Earlier on I did "go through the motions" of reseeding a dead torrent album. The first torrent I downloaded looked ok but then none of the files matched the hash (doh!), then the second torrent was in much better shape but I had to relocate the files into some subdirectories and then rename some of the files which subsequently passed the hash check. I now have the warm fuzzy feeling that I've mostly revived (Nearly 90% of the hash check passed!) a dead torrent.

That was a lot of work and messing around though so I foresee myself either dropping this whole crazy scheme entirely, or hacking something together which does the job or at least takes the pain out of the process. Heck could even put it out there for any other OCD seeders to use.

Thanks muchly,
The code to do it would be fairly straightforward. It wouldn't be terribly difficult to even throw out directory structure and filenames and go with file sizes to help find matches.

It's just things get exponential fast when you consider how many loose files you have laying around combined with the 16^40 possible torrents out there.

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