Hello there and how is everyone doing?

I am VERY new to all of this Rifftax stuff (and the forum) and I love it! Just can’t get enough of it! But I recently ran into an issue.
I purchased a few iRiffs by Cinester Theater and I want to sync them up with the movies they are riffing but I just can’t figure it out!! I have tried a few times with a few movies but just ended up screwing them up badly!!

May I ask if anyone can do me the favor of making the proper sync movies for me??
The only thing is that I have to figure out how to share the iRiffs and the movies files to someone IF they are willing to help?

And thank you to anyone who may be able to help!!
Hello Ronnie 

Yes! there are alot of people here who do alot of great work on syncing things up 

i myself use to do alot, till people didn't care for my Versions of syncs (I took the original VHSRips and synced them, feel free to look at my post about how there changing our movies etc) 

However i still have links to my different syncs if you like a link to what i have done, if not anything to add to your collection  

I can guide you thru the basics and you can do what you want from there, hell i have even offerend Sony Vegas 13 for everyone but had no takers  

I guess let me know 
Hello shibby and a MASSIVE thx for your reply and feedback. And sure, I’ll take a look at your links and if you have ANY feedback for me so that I may be able to learn how to sync some moves that would be wonderful!! Smile
Hello Again

MY BAD .......

I guess my links were taken down bummer ....... well i guess on my next upload I will upload a few for you 

Keep your eyes on SHIBBY DIGITAL VAULT post  ..... might be a day or two ........... I have a few things in the works  

Here are some of the iRiffs that I purchased in a Dropbox account if this can help anyone out? And thx again

iRiff’s (Mp3’s) by Cinester Theater
Hello Again 

You do know that these are all ready synced up and on the board  

Just saying 

I have all 5 of these riffs by Cinester but not currently available in any shareable manner. If you give me a few days I can share if nobody else gets there first.

I also could not find any existing links to these items.
(Apr 30, 2020, 10:27 am)shibby Wrote: Hello Again 

You do know that these are all ready synced up and on the board  

Just saying 


I tried to search for them but had no luck. so I assumed that they were not available. would You or someone else be able to point me in the proper direction? and thx

Ask John agar to share ...... my sharing is booked for a tad bit  

ok sounds good and thx again Smile

(Apr 30, 2020, 11:17 am)John Agar Wrote: I have all 5 of these riffs by Cinester but not currently available in any shareable manner. If you give me a few days I can share if nobody else gets there first.

I also could not find any existing links to these items.

Hello and thank you for your kind offer.

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