I have an AC4 code for uplay.... but the download is too big (23GB)

If I download a pirated version of the game and install it without applying crack to it, can I link it to my uplay account?
What you mean by too big?

Just start downloading it. If you have a slow connection then let your pc ru day and night until its finished.

Lacking space on HDD? No big deal, delete some games...
(Nov 20, 2013, 10:51 am)TheProz Wrote: What you mean by too big?

Just start downloading it. If you have a slow connection then let your pc ru day and night until its finished.

Lacking space on HDD? No big deal, delete some games...

My internet has a download limit of 10GB per month.......
Iso files of games are exact copies of installations. So as far as I know, your uplay code should work.
(Nov 20, 2013, 13:59 pm)EverybodyLies Wrote: Iso files of games are exact copies of installations. So as far as I know, your uplay code should work.

Can you give me a link with an iso file of the game?
The original iso is almost 23 GB in size which I reckon you can't download because of you 10 GB limit.
The other smaller ones are all rips meaning something is being removed from the isos. You could probably download and try but I don't know if it will work or not.
(Nov 21, 2013, 06:24 am)EverybodyLies Wrote: The original iso is almost 23 GB in size which I reckon you can't download because of you 10 GB limit.
The other smaller ones are all rips meaning something is being removed from the isos. You could probably download and try but I don't know if it will work or not.

OK I'll try it. Thanks.

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