2 ex-pres arrested in Brazil
We're on a roll - Months after former president Luis da Silva, aka Lula, went to a special prison (it's more like a small apartment) and his successor Dilma Roussef was impeached, now her successor Michel Temer is in the can (again it's a small apartment).

We'll run out of special comfort prisons with so many politicians and high-rollers in jail. Some people even think on renting an entire hotel building. Sheraton?
Roussef and Lula upset the Empire, so they had to go. The charges, at least from here seem trivial, if not totally manufactured from CIA 'helpers'.

Bolsonaro, the Latin Duterte, knows who his masters are.
No one will say squat when they start killing Rio street children again.
True, but charges are flimsy as intended: Enough to keep them out of business for a while and walk unconvicted later, so no trouble beyond need.
What killing "again"? There's no stop killing around here, just making it quieter. Some of those little demons are cold and have 9mm's if not AK's.
Sounds like Bronx, Baltimore, Detroit.

Media portray the little monsters as lovable waifs just needing a bit of guidance.

Are there any particular ethnic divisions for the vermin? (Aztec meztizos vs Amazonian autocthones. etc).
Can't speak for other countries, but here about 1930 there was apartheid and official resettlement of "undesirables", mostly black people but many poor (income) whites included; years after that, apartheid and the Social Hygiene Dept. were revoked, large numbers of migrants made it to the main cities Southeast, so again the ghettos are full of all kinds.

With such a mixed population, the gangs can't indulge in ethnic bonds or ethnic targeting ideology. Their only common bases are their Have-Not condition and the district (town, or more often, slum) they live. Due generations of harsh living conditions and African / Endian / Hispanic miscegenation, most Have-Nots are often distinguishable of the more European Haves, but foreigners usually won't notice that.
Here its even harder as the ghetto snipes have taken over the entire popular culture.

Class is not a matter of income. Its a state of mind.

Or lack thereof.
Nobody can take culture but by means of force; if folks turned from their lore and embraced a new, it's the craving for new things and some marketing.

Of course, social distinctions are as old as animal packs and in humans they're just more complex; but money can change everything.
$$$ can't buy happiness or grant health, but for sure it makes peace of mind, affirmation, and acceptance out of thin air... Just not for the most radical screw-ups.
Re: The Manufacture of Consent by Chomsky et al.

Even a basic marketing course will show that fads and fashions are NOT driven by the public, but rather by corporations. A small number of elites decide whether certain clothes to cuisines are 'kewl' and which ones are outdated. This is done at many levels, from the local paper ads to CIA psyops.

It has gotten so bad that the current popular culture looks like a prank from 4chan.
In fact, if it had a Soros behind it, it could very well be.
You're sounding like a radical screw up tinfoil hat own organic products eater. Probably never tried a Cherry Coke or Samsung Galaxy.

Back on topic, people here complain the new pres didn't do much in first three months, but it's a short time to make big changes, and they voted him even without a proper program or even a skeleton team; after three ministers of Education and 17 deputies of various levels, people notice no one seems to have any idea of why they're there and what their job is. I've the feeling this pres won't last long too, not without some scheme.
From this distance it looks like Bolsonaro is another chump, but with connections to our military, and presumably our military. He is probably pizzing off our spooks for not agreeing to overthrow Maduro, but time will tell before his own 'corruption' trial.
Dont forget 'Monroe Doctrine'.
And read some General Smedley Butler.


Tin foil hats concentrate microwave energy. Need carbon fiber.
I dont eat GMO as I understand the genetics behind it, and that the genetic theory behind them is WRONG. Outdated crap that came from an era that believed *INTRONS* were useless, when in fact they are necessary for frame shifting.
Glyphosate is essentially the same as Agent Orange. Ecocide.
Meself, i would prefer to spray my garden with DDT.

I hate Coca-Cola : I gives me severe cramps. Here I prefer club soda with lime juice. Try it.
We have Samsung Precedent. Hate phones, and never answer them.

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